Social Bookmarking is fantastic, as in a few minutes it is easy to find every kind of information required. I wanted to have the possibility to watch my favourite TV-series such as for example Desperate Housewives, CSI Miami, The District, Doctor House and going through I found Francesca’s (Manieca) interesting link to “”. I added it to my bookmarks lists and I assure you that this is a golden opportunity of relaxing and enjoying during the free time. Go there if you want to be well-informed on the latest but also on the oldest TV-series and programmes. However, I found also this Website: “” on Francesca’s page and I assure you, dear reader, it is really useful. It demands attention and patience but the results are really rewarding. I thank my teacher for having taught me to use I can find quickly sources I wouldn’t have found so easily with Google. I am conscious of the advantages on using Google, but the results are not always satisfactory. links people from all over the world, not only with my same interests but also with other pastimes, which become useful when we don’t expect them. (Sarah, I hope to have given a good translation of : “quando non te l’aspetti”). If we keep on working in this way, we’ll became C1 speakers, I’ m sure =)).
15 anni fa